… (above) 2020 Here’s a book that captures a transient moment from the past: David Curtis London Arts Labs and the 60’s Avant-Garde (John Libby Publishing 2020) ISBN 0 86196 748 3. David Curtis worked on it after our arts lab continuum exhibition in 2018. Pp 117-118 refer to Pamela Zoline and Judith Clute’s show in June 1970. There is an amusing riff by John Clute who quietly refers to himself as Judith’s husband, “an unemployed forklift truck driver,” and says, “But her paintings have a hard colourful edge, mount campaigns against easy reading, include references to Easter Island scripts, Austin, A40’s, rabbits, geometries, spray-guns, clothespins, swans, forklift trucks.”
… (above) In 2019, The New York Review of Books (18 July) has a review of the book, “The Future is Female!” illustrated with a detail from my 1985 cover for the Women’s Press publication of Joanna Russ’s “Female Man”. ISBN: 0-7043-3949-8
… (above) Geoff Ryman: Judith Clute’s Tantalizing 37th Album (Beccon Publications 2019) ISBN 978-1-8708824-65-1. This accompanied Judith Clute’s exhibition in May 2019 at the Camden Image Gallery, Masques of the Disappeared.
… (above) 2018 Info for Arts Lab Continuum.
… (above) In 2015, Judith Clute made etchings for “Extended Range; Or, the Accession Label” a short story by Henry Wessells. Because this a fine art limited edition (30 signed copes) there is no ISBN number.
… (above) 2013 Le Temps Genève Samedi 2, dimanche 3 Février 2013, no. 4520.Here is an interesting review by Joëlle Kuntz illustrated by Judith Clute’s painting, Radiance of the Genes. The subject of the article is the various new forms of marriage and Clute’s painting has elements the 20th century world imposed onto that of Jan Van Eyck and his Arnolfini couple. A clearer image of the painting can be found by scrolling down in my site, all paintings. The painting is in Joëlle Kuntz’s collection.
… (above) In 2013, more original etchings for “Against the Art of War”, poems by Ernest Hilbert and Henry Wessells. The size s 265 x 190 mm. Yet again Henry Wessells made each cover slightly differently. We can see the etchings in the Illustrations section of this site.
… (above) In 2008 Judith Clute collaborated with Henry Wessells’ Temporary Culture limited press publication by designing and printing all the limited etchings in Forever Peace. To Stop War. See the images in the Illustrations section.
As Henry Wessells said in his colophon page of Forever Peace: To Stop War, he was making a photocopy edition – it was a huge edition – to “be distributed to members of the US Senate and House of Representatives and of the House of Commons in November 2008, ” and “world wide to promote peace.”
… (above) 2006 Edited by Farah Mendlesohn: Polder: A Festschrift for John Clute and Judith Clute (Old Earth Books, Baltimore 2006) ISBN 1-882968-34-4.
Contributors: Tom Disch, Damien Broderick, Rob Latham, Sean McMullen, Candas Jane Dorsey, Joe Haldeman, Geoff Ryman, Scott Bradfield, Paul Kincaid, Brian Aldiss, William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Ian Watson, Neil Gaiman, Javier A Martinez, Andrew M Butler, Jack Womack, Gary K Wolfe, M John Harrison, Edward James, Kim Stanley Robinson, Ellen Datlow, Elizabeth Hand, Graham Sleight, Roz Kaveney, Pamela Zoline.
… (above) 2006 Chip Crockett’s Christmas Carol by Elizabeth Hand (Beccon Publications 2006) ISBN: 1-87024-49-0. Judith Clute did the cover and interior illustrations.
… (above) 1990 Interzone: Science Fiction and Fantasy, no. 42 1990 Cover and inside images done by Judith Clute.
… (above) 1970 Two person show, at the London New Arts Lab, June 5 – June 26 , Judith Clute and Pamela Zoline. Studio International mention, June 1970
… (above) 1965 Aspen School of Contemporary Art, Poetry Handbill, 410 x 318 mm, Judith Clute silkscreen work